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  5. Journal for ticket accounting
Rating: 4.9. Number of organizations: 821
Countries: All
Operating system: Windows, Android, macOS
Group of programs: Business automation

Journal for ticket accounting

  • Copyright protects the unique methods of business automation that are used in our programs.

  • We are a verified software publisher. This is displayed in the operating system when running our programs and demo-versions.
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  • We work with organizations around the world from small businesses to large ones. Our company is included in the international register of companies and has an electronic trust mark.
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Journal for ticket accounting - Program screenshot

Any organizer of the event maintains a ticket register because it allows tracking the number of visitors. Visitors are a source of income. In addition, this indicator allows you to determine the popularity of some events held by the company in comparison with others. It is much more convenient to keep registering a ticket journal in an electronic version since you immediately get the opportunity and additional time to track the rest of the stages of the enterprise's work. Employees can complete more work in standard time, and the quality of the information entered is no longer in doubt and does not require verification.

Every accounting software suitable for enterprise-specific logging and accounting is rigorously tested before being deployed to ensure that it meets existing requirements. As a result, the accounting product is chosen that best meets all preferences.

Such an accounting software product is the USU Software system. It allows keeping all types of accounting, monitoring the conduct of activities journal on a daily basis, stimulating the team to increase responsibility for the data entered into each journal, and showing the result of the enterprise to any period you are interested in.

Who is the developer?

Akulov Nikolay

Expert and chief programmer who participated in the design and development of this software.

Date this page was reviewed:

This video can be viewed with subtitles in your own language.

Our accounting development is perfect for such organizations as a concert hall, stadium, theater, cinema, circus, dolphinarium, exhibition complex, zoo, and other enterprises that need the journal to keep track of visitors and the ticket journal. The USU Software is able to organize an effective registration of visitors at the enterprise. Every ticket under control. At the same time, you can set different places prices in different zones, and see the occupancy of the premises, and regulate the amount of revenue. But the capabilities of the accounting program are not limited to this either. All accounting information is divided into a separate journal, each of which maintains a certain area of accounting. There is also a journal responsible for the ticket, and financial transactions, and the work of personnel, and the implementation of all types of services, etc.

The work in the program is organized as simply and conveniently as possible. For example, the process of reserving a place looks like this: a visitor contacts a cashier. Your employee brings up a diagram of the room on the screen, where all seats are indicated by rows and sectors. The person makes a choice, and the cashier assigns them to the visitor and accepts payment, reflecting this in the appropriate journal, and issues a ticket.

Previously, you need to indicate in the directories the number of accommodating spectators rooms, set the maximum possible number of seats, reflect information about the number of seats in each row and the sector, and also determine the ticket prices of different categories.

All data in the USU Software is subject to analysis. They, within the framework of their duties, can be used by ordinary employees to check the results of the input of primary data. A manager, using a special module, easily finds answers to all questions, analyzes the result of the organization's work, and makes a decision to stimulate or restrain any processes. The flexibility of the software admits our specialists to add new functionality at the request of the customer. For efficient operation, the USU Software interface can be translated into any language. Each user has the opportunity to choose individual window settings by choosing skins to their liking. The convenient location of information in the program menu. Your employees are able to organize the ticket data in the journal to their liking. The capabilities of the program allow you to use it as an effective CRM system. Finances are reflected in a separate journal and are subject to the strictest accounting. Each employee can create work orders. A schedule is formed from them, where each task can take a certain time. If you need to display reminders on the screen, you can use pop-up windows. Sending emails to help inform your counterparties about important events. Four formats are available: voice messages, e-mail, SMS, and Viber. The site allows accepting customer applications and accepting ticket payments to events. The result is an increased level of customer confidence.

The USU Software system also supports other trading operations. With the help of the TSD, you can check the availability of tickets at the entrance. Taking inventory with the USU Software and additional equipment will be greatly simplified. In order, it is possible to install a mobile application for your clients or employees.

The purpose of any self-respecting business development enterprise is to create such an automated information complex that would have all the necessary options, as well as its functionality could satisfy the needs of even the most capricious and fastidious customer. It is difficult to cope with such an assignment, but it is real, and we are a living example of this.

Order a journal for ticket accounting

To buy the program, just call or write to us. Our specialists will agree with you on the appropriate software configuration, prepare a contract and an invoice for payment.

How to buy the program?

Installation and training are done via the Internet
Approximate time required: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Also you can order custom software development

If you have special software requirements, order custom development. Then you won’t have to adapt to the program, but the program will be adjusted to your business processes!

Journal for ticket accounting

The development of such automated accounting programs is very relevant at the moment. For example, let’s consider airlines. In the contemporary world, airplanes are not only the fastest mode of transport but also the safest. Hence, air travel is very popular. As a result, a ticket sold for flights are in demand and are highly likely to find their client, provided that the airline has provided the consumer with full access to the information he needs. This is the trouble solved by modern automated information products. There are many similar applications that allow airlines to sell air ticket, and buyers to purchase them. However, often, the functionality of such developments is either very limited or provides a sufficient amount of information, sacrificing client friendliness.

Our development of the USU Software has collected all the best and most advanced features that a modern journal for ticket accounting should have.