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  5. Monitoring the work of employees
Rating: 4.9. Number of organizations: 981
Countries: All
Operating system: Windows, Android, macOS
Group of programs: Business automation

Monitoring the work of employees

  • Copyright protects the unique methods of business automation that are used in our programs.

  • We are a verified software publisher. This is displayed in the operating system when running our programs and demo-versions.
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  • We work with organizations around the world from small businesses to large ones. Our company is included in the international register of companies and has an electronic trust mark.
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If you want to get acquainted with the program, the fastest way is to first watch the full video, and then download the free demo version and work with it yourself. If necessary, request a presentation from technical support or read the instructions.

A screenshot is a photo of the software running. From it you can immediately understand what a CRM system looks like. We have implemented a window interface with support for UX/UI design. This means that the user interface is based on years of user experience. Each action is located exactly where it is most convenient to perform it. Thanks to such a competent approach, your work productivity will be maximum. Click on the small image to open the screenshot in full size.

If you buy a USU CRM system with a configuration of at least “Standard”, you will have a choice of designs from more than fifty templates. Each user of the software will have the opportunity to choose the design of the program to suit their taste. Every day of work should bring joy!

Monitoring the work of employees - Program screenshot

Monitoring the work of employees can be constant and automatic, with the introduction of specialized software, with built-in unlimited functionality and automation of production processes. Control of employee work time will become accurate and timely entered readings, when reading information from devices and systems, keeping separate logs for recording operating parameters. The program for monitoring the work of employees allows you to increase the productivity and status of the enterprise, affecting income and other parameters of enterprise management. The program is easy to acquire and set up and is not so costly pleasure, without which today there is nowhere, given the ever-growing volume of information, the need for control over the work of employees and information data that will change in the course of productivity. When implementing the program "Universal Accounting System", you will be pleasantly pleased with the cost and absence of a monthly fee, with delegated rights of use and automaticity, optimizing the working time of each specialist. When setting up, it will take a couple of hours of time, for productive and high-quality work, in a beautiful and multitasking interface with a wide selection of modules and tools, a rich assortment of themes that, if desired, can be developed independently. When registering as a control, an account will be created for each employee, with the current time and automation of all tasks built in the event planner, seeing the status of the operation schedules, as well as the time, quality and data on the performer with an assessment. At the entrance, the exact time will be read, during which a separate journal with current readings will be formed, on the basis of which wages will be paid at the end of the month, increasing productivity and disciplining employees. An objective assistant in the form of video surveillance cameras will act as a control, transmitting data in real time to the main computer, analyzing the work in each department and branch. All employees will be able to exchange data in real time, over the local network. The data will be updated, with automatic saving on a remote server in the form of a backup copy, timely setting the time for its holding. upon receipt of materials, a contextual search engine will be used that optimizes the time of employees, with control and issuance of information based on the working rights of use, seeing the work activity and the delegated version of the possibilities. the manager will be able to carry out control remotely, even entering from another country through a mobile application, with a high-quality Internet connection. When working, it is possible to integrate into the program with various devices, for example, a data collection terminal and a scanner, to carry out an inventory, displaying data on goods to date, maintaining the nomenclature and receiving notifications about ending positions and the status of the product name. Over time, it is important to make accounting and analysis with control over customers and suppliers, displaying information in a CRM database, for convenience and automation in communication. For the formation of documentation and calculations, notifications to mobile networks and e-mail with the binding of information or reporting in the message, which can be easily generated in the presence of templates and samples. Automatic method, transferring materials from existing sources in interaction with the 1C system. To test the program for controlling the work of employees with sufficient savings over resources, it is available to install a free version of the USU program, available for free on the site. For all questions, you should contact our employees for advice.

A to-do program can store documentation and files.

The execution control program provides for tracking the% of execution, which allows you to control the processes of the system.

Enterprise automation helps to facilitate accounting at any level.

The application for cases can be useful not only for companies, but also for individuals.

The free scheduling program has basic functions for keeping track of cases.

From the site you can download the planning program, which is already configured and has data for testing the functionality.

Work automation systems have a convenient search engine that allows you to quickly find orders by various parameters.

The program for tasks allows you to create tasks for employees and execute them.

The program for performing tasks is capable of working not only on one computer, but also over the network in multi-user mode.

Accounting for employees' work can be configured in the program settings.

In the program, the log of the work performed is stored for a long time and can be used in the future for analysis.

In the program for tracking the operating time, you can see information in a graphical or tabular form.

In the program, the accounting of tasks will become clearer for performers through a graphical display of data.

The work plan program accompanies the employee to carry out the configured business process.

In the program, case planning is the basis for making the right decisions.

Who is the developer?

Akulov Nikolay

Expert and chief programmer who participated in the design and development of this software.

Date this page was reviewed:

The program visually shows the work schedule and, if necessary, notifies about the upcoming work or its implementation.

A scheduling program can be an indispensable assistant in the management of planned cases.

The work accounting can be downloaded for a test period for use and review.

Through the work accounting schedule, it will become easy to calculate and evaluate the work of employees.

Accounting of the organization's affairs can take into account warehouse and cash accounting.

Planning software will help you get the important parts of your job done on time.

The work execution program has a CRM system with which the execution of tasks is carried out more efficiently.

Work progress accounting can be configured and issued to the person in charge to confirm the work data.

In the program, planning and accounting is carried out through setting up a business process with the help of which further work will be done.

Programs for organizing work can be useful not only for employees, but also for management because of the whole block of analytics on the system.

The case log includes: a filing cabinet of employees and clients; invoices for goods; information about applications.

Accounting is easy to learn due to the easy and intuitive interface.

The organizer program can work not only on a PC, but also on mobile phones.

The accounting of the work performed is carried out using reports in which the work performed is shown with an indication of the result.

The assignment app guides workflows that can be controlled through multi-user mode and sorting.

Performance accounting contains functions of notification or reminders about the completion or creation of a new job.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

You can download the demo version for free. And work in the program for two weeks. Some information has already been included there for clarity.

Who is the translator?

Khoilo Roman

Chief programmer who took part in the translation of this software into different languages.

The program for reminders contains a report on the employee's work in which the system can calculate the salary at the configured rates.

The work program also has a mobile version for mobile activities.

The execution control program is a simple tool for registering and monitoring the execution of orders issued.

One of the important factors for high efficiency is task accounting.

The work log stores information about actions and operations performed in the system.

The work organization accounting provides assistance in the distribution and execution of work.

Automation of work makes it easier to conduct any kind of activity.

The work accounting program allows you to plan cases without leaving the system.

The program for tasks has a different kind of search function.

The program for the control and work of specialists with the automation of production processes and optimization of time, allows you to increase the status and income of the enterprise, regardless of the field of activity and other conditions.

The control, accounting and management program provides a convenient navigation system.

Designing work schedules for planning the work of employees, with control over the execution of tasks in a set time, format, displaying accurate data in a separate journal.

Control over work within the organization, in departments and branches, is carried out during the installation and reading of materials in real access from CCTV cameras.

When working with high-tech devices, constant control and planning, management and accounting of employees and material assets is possible, performing a number of necessary activities.

Inventory will not take much time, given a quick check of quantitative and qualitative indicators for all items of goods, seeing shelf life and liquidity, comparing existing products, replenishing stocks in a timely manner.

Through analytical and statistical reporting, it is realistic to exercise control and accounting over all the activities and actions of the company, taking into account the rational and adequate allocation and consumption of resources.

Order a monitoring the work of employees

To buy the program, just call or write to us. Our specialists will agree with you on the appropriate software configuration, prepare a contract and an invoice for payment.

How to buy the program?

Installation and training are done via the Internet
Approximate time required: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Also you can order custom software development

If you have special software requirements, order custom development. Then you won’t have to adapt to the program, but the program will be adjusted to your business processes!

Monitoring the work of employees

In case of insufficient name of material value or theft of funds, the program will inform the responsible employees to solve the assigned tasks.

The cost of the program for control is low, with the possibility of acquiring and implementing it by each type of business, selecting the necessary modules and tools.

Free subscription fee will significantly save financial resources.

Differentiation of working rights and actions in relation to confidential information of the enterprise.

Automatic data registration is carried out when importing information from existing sources, working with all of them.

Processing of financial payments in cash and non-cash form, using any world currency, converting funds promptly, with the entry of information into the reporting.

Control over the work of employees during working hours is carried out with the synchronization of all working devices in a single system, taking into account the analysis and viewing of the current work by each employee.

Backup copying guarantees accuracy and permanent and high-quality preservation of the entire information base for a long time.

Instant display of materials is made when a query is entered into a contextual search engine, reducing the working time of each employee.

When cooperating with customers and suppliers, it is necessary to have correct details, data on actions during a particular period, with a display of the history of cooperation and payment transactions.

Carrying out payment activities through terminals and online transactions, the electronic system QIWI and Kaspi.

Employees can exchange information on work, on customers and suppliers, on goods, services through the internal network.

Analysis of work on the control of employees in a computer program, making an entry through work computers and phones, downloading the mobile version of the program.

Integration of the 1c system is available to ensure high-quality accounting and warehouse accounting, without additional time-consuming registration and recalculation, creation of a database and other documentation.

Using templates, it is possible to quickly generate documents and reports, simplifying the work of employees, with control of accuracy and quality, saving when classifying and filtering.

Test the program for control and operation, accounting and analysis, functionality, available when installing the test version, without spending a penny of money and with temporary use.