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  5. Statistics in optics
Rating: 4.9. Number of organizations: 1
Countries: All
Operating system: Windows, Android, macOS
Group of programs: Business automation

Statistics in optics

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Statistics in optics - Program screenshot

Statistics in optics allows to perform effective planning since the indicators accumulated by statistics will provide accurate information on how many customers should be guided by considering all external circumstances, including seasonality, how many products and which one should be purchased, considering their average consumption rate and the level of customer demand which also changes over time. Such statistics are formed by statistical accounting carried out in the USU Software continuously for all values that appear during the optics' activities.

Statistics in optics makes it possible to minimize purchase costs and ensure the proper number of specialists if, according to statistics, an influx of customers is expected in the future period, or, conversely, reduce their number if the opposite situation is expected. Statistics on the products that optics operate allows them to make purchases considering the turnover of each commodity item, which allows them not to spend more than necessary on goods that may not be sold during the period. Moreover, the statistics in the salons provides the optics with an analysis of their activities, presented as convenient and visual reports, which show all indicators, their participation in the formation of profits, and the share of each either in its total volume or in total expenses. This information allows optics to work more precisely with each indicator in order to be able to get more profit since the analysis of statistics reveals the factors influencing the formation of profit and the degree of this influence. Therefore, by varying such values, optics can maximize financial results.

Statistics in optics shows how many patients have a specific vision, which allows the optician to stock up on the necessary number of lenses with the appropriate dioptres in advance to satisfy all requests. Statistics in optics also shows how often their clients renew their glasses and purchase a set of lenses as knowing this frequency allows the salons to take this demand into account when planning stocks and pre-book the time of visits by sending clients their invitation to a traditional visit with a medical examination. Due to statistics, optics will operate according to planned indicators, and any planning, as you know, contributes to profit growth. If there is a deviation from the plan in optics, which is immediately notified by the automated accounting system, the management can quickly correct the processes, while it will be known what exactly the reason of the discrepancy between the fact and the plan is.

Who is the developer?

Akulov Nikolay

Expert and chief programmer who participated in the design and development of this software.

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All this can be learned from the report with the analysis of the activities of optics at the end of the reporting period, the duration of which is determined by the user. The reports also provide the dynamics of changes in indicators in which statistics are involved, which makes it possible to represent their behaviour in future periods, extrapolating the identified growth or decline trends, and avoiding negative points that can be established with such ‘theoretical’ forecasting.

The statistics also show how many days of uninterrupted operation the goods in the warehouse will last since the program knows the average speed of sales, calculated based on past statistics. Data collected on goods in stock allows us to identify illiquid products and even substandard ones among them, while the program offers options to quickly get rid of illiquid assets by selling them at a reduced cost, and the most ‘convenient’ price is obtained, again, considering statistics. In general, the software that offers statistics to optics performs many different useful functions and responsibilities, organizing other types of automated accounting, including warehouse.

Yes, warehouse accounting in the automation program works in the current time mode and automatically deducts the sold goods from the balance as soon as the system receives a message about payment. Due to this format of warehouse accounting, opticians receive operational information about stocks and, as they approach completion, an automatically drawn up application for the supplier indicating the required quantity of each commodity item, determined based on statistics.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

Who is the translator?

Khoilo Roman

Chief programmer who took part in the translation of this software into different languages.

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All operations in the system are interrelated. A change in one value causes chain changes in other indicators related to this value directly or indirectly. At the same time, it should be noted that the participation of employees is completely excluded from accounting and counting procedures, which provides them with more free time, and procedures - accuracy and speed. An acceleration of information exchange between employees, departments, processes is observed, which leads, in total, to an increase in the volume of services rendered by the salon, sales, and, accordingly, profits.

The program is available to all employees who have access to it, regardless of their experience with a computer since it has easy navigation and a friendly interface. Everyone who has access is assigned an individual username and a security password to share access to proprietary information to protect their confidentiality. The availability of access codes provides to maintain work in individual electronic forms, in which employees register completed tasks and where they add their readings. Based on the volume of work recorded in the work logs, piecework wages are automatically calculated, so the staff is actively working in these magazines.

The program of statistics performs all the calculations on its own, calculating the cost of orders, calculating the profit received from the sale of goods and completed orders. To organize automatic calculations, operations are adjusted considering the norms and standards officially approved in the industry regulations and acts. This industry-specific information, including standards and regulations, is available in a built-in reference database that also provides accounting and billing guidance. The reference base monitors new amendments. It is regularly updated so that the indicators in the automated system are always up to date. Statistics are also the result of automatic calculations, and those are the result of mathematical operations with the cost of work operations obtained during the calculation.

Order a statistics in optics

To buy the program, just call or write to us. Our specialists will agree with you on the appropriate software configuration, prepare a contract and an invoice for payment.

How to buy the program?

Installation and training are done via the Internet
Approximate time required: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Also you can order custom software development

If you have special software requirements, order custom development. Then you won’t have to adapt to the program, but the program will be adjusted to your business processes!

Statistics in optics

The reliability of the information provided by users in electronic journals is assessed by the management, regularly checking them for compliance with the real situation. To speed up the control procedure, an audit function is proposed that highlights any changes that have occurred in it after the last control, with identification by logins. All information entered by users is marked with their logins upon receipt. This makes it possible to quickly determine whose information does not meet the requirements. The program frees the staff from many duties, not only from accounting and calculations but also from the preparation of documents since it generates them automatically by the specified date.

All documents meet the requirements, have an approved format, these include invoices, financial statements, model contracts, specifications, applications. The program monitors the movement of funds, prepares reports on customers and accounts receivable, identifies overhead and illiquid goods.