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  5. Fuel consumption control
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Countries: All
Operating system: Windows, Android, macOS
Group of programs: Business automation

Fuel consumption control

  • Copyright protects the unique methods of business automation that are used in our programs.

  • We are a verified software publisher. This is displayed in the operating system when running our programs and demo-versions.
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  • We work with organizations around the world from small businesses to large ones. Our company is included in the international register of companies and has an electronic trust mark.
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If you want to get acquainted with the program, the fastest way is to first watch the full video, and then download the free demo version and work with it yourself. If necessary, request a presentation from technical support or read the instructions.

A screenshot is a photo of the software running. From it you can immediately understand what a CRM system looks like. We have implemented a window interface with support for UX/UI design. This means that the user interface is based on years of user experience. Each action is located exactly where it is most convenient to perform it. Thanks to such a competent approach, your work productivity will be maximum. Click on the small image to open the screenshot in full size.

If you buy a USU CRM system with a configuration of at least “Standard”, you will have a choice of designs from more than fifty templates. Each user of the software will have the opportunity to choose the design of the program to suit their taste. Every day of work should bring joy!

Fuel consumption control - Program screenshot

Modern civilization lives according to the structure and model of the capitalist type. This development model provides for market regulation using the ratio of supply and demand indicators. In such conditions, entrepreneurs achieve success only when they come to a clearly high result of labor productivity. Such results are possible only with the help of achieving a certain competitive advantage, which allows you to bypass the main rivals and fundamentally surpass them in labor productivity, or in the presence of some information that allows you to defeat a competitor headlong. Some of the entrepreneurs are daring to use a clever way to gain cheap access to rich resource bases. Thus, by gaining such access, they ensure that they have an excellent tool for performing price dumping. You can significantly reduce the final price of the product, if possible. Accordingly, customers will prefer to buy a product at a lower price without losing the final quality characteristic.

But not all businessmen can have easy access to insider data or sources of cheap resources. Some use a different method, which consists in collecting and analyzing statistical indicators for the enterprise as a whole, in order to ensure a high level of management of the company. Thus, important conditions for managing the affairs of the enterprise are fulfilled, based on real indicators collected within the company.

The company, specializing in professional software development, called "Universal Accounting System", offers customers the latest program that monitors fuel consumption. This software will help the institution to quickly and efficiently perform the task of managing the consumption of fuels and lubricants. Losses of this type of resources are reduced to the lowest possible limits, and the institution will no longer spend significant amounts of money on too high volumes of expenditure of resource materials.

Adaptive software that controls fuel accounting will be a real boon for a businessman who wants to reduce the level of enterprise costs and bring his company to a leading position in the market. With the help of this software, you can effectively manage cash resources and even apply price dumping, provided there are sufficient cheap labor resources. Moreover, the use of our complex helps to create this cheapest labor resource. It turns out such a significant decrease in the burden on the budget for paying wages that the development takes over the main functions of performing routine tasks that previously lay on the shoulders of ordinary personnel. People freed from complex and time-consuming activities get an excellent opportunity to devote the freed up time to improve their professional level and to solve creative problems, instead of routine.

After the user puts into operation the software that monitors fuel consumption, the level of employee motivation will begin to improve continuously, with positive dynamics. These conditions are met due to the unloading of workers from difficult and unpopular tasks. Grateful people start to work much better and try to do more for the organization that gave them such good working conditions. The application performs for a person almost the entire range of difficult tasks for the implementation of calculations, calculations and other procedures that require additional time and attention.

A modern adaptive application for fuel consumption control works with many different types of tasks at the same time. The multitasking mode allows the program to function with excellent performance while simultaneously controlling a wide variety of activities. The company will be able to control the vacant premises, competently distributing them for its employees. In addition, the software will help the accounting department to carry out accruals and calculation of salaries for personnel. In addition, you can calculate not only the level of the standardized remuneration for labor of employees, but also calculate the piece-rate bonus wages, calculated as a percentage of the company's income. There will even be an opportunity to carry out calculations depending on the amount of hours worked. Such schemes for calculating fees, such as combined methods, which are especially difficult to perform calculations, will not become difficult.

The software for monitoring fuel consumption can be downloaded as a trial version, distributed free of charge and suitable for informational purposes. Any commercial use of this publication is strictly prohibited as this is a demonstration version. By downloading the trial edition, a businessman will have the opportunity to familiarize himself with the basic set of software functions and make informed and deliberate decisions about purchasing this program as a licensed edition. The main difference between the trial version and the original is the ability to work in the original edition without time restrictions, while the demo edition will have time restrictions.

Adaptive software that keeps track of the consumption of fuel and lubricants will help control fuel consumption and fuel consumption. Accounting in a good enterprise is emphasized, which means that our adaptive development will be a real boon for the enterprise. The management will be able to quickly train their operators in the principles of work in the system from "USU". After all, the principle of operation is very easy to learn, and pop-up tips will help users get comfortable with the basic set of functions.

Our company adheres to a democratic price and a friendly policy on the formation of price tags for goods. The fuel application can be purchased at a bargain price and get an additional 2 hours of full-fledged technical support in addition, and absolutely free of charge. That is, buying a licensed product, the purchaser receives a double benefit. It will be possible to use the help of our specialists when installing licensed software and become a successful entrepreneur with excellent software for controlling fuel consumption.

Universal Accounting System offers a variety of off-the-shelf computer solutions, designed and perfectly optimized. A complete list of offered products can be found on our official website. You will find a detailed description of the offered software options and their detailed description. If you have not found the right product for your corporation, this is not a problem, since we offer customized solutions. You can modify existing software tools, or order the creation of a completely new software. All modifications and creation of new applications are carried out for separate money, which is not included in the cost of ready-made goods.

The utilitarian development for monitoring fuel consumption contains a specialized electronic journal with the help of which the level of attendance of personnel within the enterprise is recorded. Each individual employee, entering the office premises, uses his own individual access card. Each card is supplied with barcodes, individual for each manager. Barcodes are read by a special scanner synchronized with our information software. In addition to scanner recognition, the adaptive system from USU is capable of working with printers, various video cameras and even commercial equipment. Commercial equipment can be used to sell related products, even if you provide services and do not specialize in the sale of any goods.

Automation for transport using software from the Universal Accounting System will optimize both fuel consumption and profitability of each trip, as well as the overall financial performance of the logistics company.

The transportation program allows you to track both courier delivery and routes between cities and countries.

A modern transportation accounting program has all the necessary functionality for a logistics company.

Keep track of cargo transportation using a modern accounting system with wide functionality.

Logistics automation will allow you to correctly distribute expenses and set a budget for the year.

Keep track of cargo transportation quickly and conveniently, thanks to the modern system.

The analysis due to flexible reporting will allow the ATP program with wide functionality and high reliability.

The program for consolidating orders will help you optimize the delivery of goods to one point.

USU logistics software allows you to track the quality of work of each driver and the total profit from flights.

The program for logisticians will allow for accounting, management and analysis of all processes in a logistics company.

In logistics routes, accounting for transportation using the program will greatly facilitate the calculation of consumables and help control the timing of tasks.

For full monitoring of the quality of work, it is required to keep track of freight forwarders using software, which will allow rewarding the most successful employees.

Who is the developer?

Akulov Nikolay

Expert and chief programmer who participated in the design and development of this software.

Date this page was reviewed:

This video is in Russian. We have not yet managed to make videos in other languages.

The traffic management program allows you to track not only freight, but also passenger routes between cities and countries.

Tracking the company's expenses and profitability from each flight will allow the registration of a trucking company with a program from the USU.

Accounting for trucking companies can be carried out much more efficiently using modern specialized software from the USU.

The program for cargo transportation from the USU allows you to automate the creation of applications for transportation and control over orders.

Tracking the quality and speed of delivery of goods allows the program for the forwarder.

The most convenient and understandable program for organizing transportation from the USU company will allow the business to develop rapidly.

The program for forwarders allows you to monitor both the time spent on each trip and the quality of each driver as a whole.

Control of road transport using the Universal Accounting System allows you to optimize logistics and general accounting for all routes.

Modern logistics programs require flexible functionality and reporting for complete accounting.

The program for flights from the Universal Accounting System allows you to take into account passenger and freight traffic equally effectively.

Transportation calculation programs allow you to estimate in advance the cost of the route, as well as its approximate profitability.

You can carry out vehicle accounting in logistics using a modern software from the USU.

Automation for cargo using the program will help you quickly reflect statistics and performance in reporting for each driver for any period.

The program for goods will allow you to control the logistics processes and the speed of delivery.

The logistics program allows you to keep track of the delivery of goods both within the city and in intercity transportation.

Keep track of the delivery of goods using an advanced program from the USU, which will allow you to maintain advanced reporting in a variety of areas.

The program for the transportation of goods will help to optimize costs within each route and monitor the efficiency of drivers.

The program for wagons allows you to keep track of both cargo transportation and passenger flights, and also takes into account railway specifics, for example, the numbering of wagons.

Automated transportation management systems will allow your business to develop more efficiently, thanks to a variety of accounting methods and wide reporting.

Improved accounting of cargo transportation allows you to track the timing of orders and their cost, having a positive effect on the overall profit of the company.

The transportation program can take into account both freight and passenger routes.

The program for the transportation of goods from the Universal Accounting System will allow keeping records of routes and their profitability, as well as general financial affairs of the company.

The program for cargo transportation will help to facilitate both the general accounting of the company and each flight separately, which will lead to a decrease in costs and expenses.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

You can download the demo version for free. And work in the program for two weeks. Some information has already been included there for clarity.

Who is the translator?

Khoilo Roman

Chief programmer who took part in the translation of this software into different languages.

Easily conduct accounting in a logistics company, thanks to the wide capabilities and user-friendly interface in the USU program.

Automation of transportation is a necessity for modern logistics business, since the use of the latest software systems will reduce costs and increase profits.

If the company needs to carry out accounting of goods, then the software from the USU company can offer such functionality.

The software for logistics from the USU company contains a set of all the necessary and relevant tools for full accounting.

Keep track of freight traffic using modern software, which will allow you to quickly track both the speed of execution of each delivery and the profitability of specific routes and directions.

The program can keep track of wagons and their cargo for each route.

Any logistics company will need to keep track of the vehicle fleet using a transport and flight accounting system with wide functionality.

Programmatic accounting in logistics for a modern company is a must, since even in a small business it allows you to optimize most of the routine processes.

Advanced transportation accounting will allow you to track many factors in costs, allowing you to optimize spending and increase revenues.

The USU program has the broadest possibilities, such as general accounting throughout the company, accounting for each order individually and tracking the efficiency of the forwarder, accounting for consolidation and much more.

The adaptive fuel metering control program was created taking into account the potential needs of customers from this business segment. The software is perfectly protected by a security system that provides excellent protection against penetration from the outside.

In addition to protecting against external intrusions, our complex will help protect confidential information inside the company from overly curious employees.

Each specialist working in the program has his own individual username and password. With the help of the given username and password, authorization is carried out within the software.

Without entering specialized codes in the fields provided for this, it is impossible to enter the system and start the procedure for reviewing or downloading any materials.

For the purpose of promoting the brand of an enterprise on the market, it is possible to use the logo of the enterprise for registration of documents. The logo can be embedded in the background of generated applications, or used in the header and footer.

The header and footer of the generated applications can be used not only to integrate the logo, but also to place there information about the details of the company, or about its contact information. You can place everything at once, as long as it looks organic.

The adaptive system from USU has an incredibly high level of optimization. The utility functions extremely quickly and does not experience problems with processing huge amounts of information materials.

A high level of optimization allows you to install software on a personal computer that is rather weak in terms of hardware.

It will be possible to use a serviceable, but outdated PC, the only condition is the presence of a correctly working Windows operating system.

Our modern application recognizes files saved in standard office development formats such as Microsoft Office Excel and Microsoft Office Word.

An advanced complex for monitoring fuel consumption metering will help to radically reduce costs within the institution.

The reduction occurs due to more detailed control of the costs of available resources, such as fuels and lubricants.

In addition to reducing the cost of fuels and lubricants, the introduction of the development from "USU" in the office of the company helps to reduce the unnecessary cost of maintaining a staff that is too large in size.

Order a fuel consumption control

To buy the program, just call or write to us. Our specialists will agree with you on the appropriate software configuration, prepare a contract and an invoice for payment.

How to buy the program?

Installation and training are done via the Internet
Approximate time required: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Also you can order custom software development

If you have special software requirements, order custom development. Then you won’t have to adapt to the program, but the program will be adjusted to your business processes!

Fuel consumption control

You no longer need so many workers, since the adaptive complex from the "Universal Accounting System" takes over most of the complex activities and does not require special attention.

You will be able to carry out strategic and tactical planning after installing advanced development from our institution.

The software product for monitoring consumption and displaying information on fuel can be customized even for a small diagonal monitor.

Elite design helps you get the information you need into the available space, eliminating the need for large displays.

The software helps to carry out the analysis of the completeness of the personnel. It will be possible to conduct an inventory, create and fill out accounts for customers, applications for the purchase of material reserves, and so on.

When performing certain activities, the utility program prompts the operator where he could have made a mistake or did not fully fill in the required fields.

You will be able to follow the procedure to compare the performance of employees. Each manager will be responsible for his own front of work, and artificial intelligence will register all the activities he performs and save information about this in the personal computer database.

The company for the creation and sale of software products, called the Universal Accounting System, has created an excellent program for controlling the cost of fuels and lubricants.

If you liked our offer, please contact the technical support center or the sales department of our corporation.

There you will receive detailed advice and answers to your questions from our operators, within their competence.

Advanced waybill control software can perform detailed reporting on the effectiveness of marketing activities.

Each individual activity is evaluated after collecting data from customers who contact your firm for services or goods.

This survey is carried out in order to find out how the client learned about the organization and how he applied for services or goods.

For each used marketing promotion tool, certain statistics are collected, which are analyzed and the ratio of the number of reviews for the tool and its cost is calculated.

After performing a detailed analysis of the effectiveness of the applied promotion methods, you can reinvest the funds taken from non-fictitious instruments in favor of more effective ones.

The institution will no longer spend gigantic amounts of financial resources on the promotion of marketing methods that do not bring the desired result.

It will be possible to focus on the most effective and efficient methods in terms of price-quality ratio.

The adaptive control and accounting tool from USU is equipped with a well-developed package language that allows you to perform full-fledged localization.

Our advanced software is capable of recognizing various documents and formats, which significantly saves financial resources and labor resources of the company.

The advanced information system for the control of fuels and lubricants has a very well-developed search engine. This search engine can search for any material stored in the database or in the archives.

The software for monitoring and accounting of fuel consumption was created using the most advanced solutions in the field of information technology and functions perfectly.

Make up your mind and make a choice in favor of a reliable software vendor. Do not trust non-professionals, but contact trusted specialists. Our employees can provide you with the highest quality and sophisticated content that meets the most stringent requests.