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  5. Accounting form of fuels and lubricants
Rating: 4.9. Number of organizations: 201
Countries: All
Operating system: Windows, Android, macOS
Group of programs: Business automation

Accounting form of fuels and lubricants

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  • We work with organizations around the world from small businesses to large ones. Our company is included in the international register of companies and has an electronic trust mark.
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If you want to get acquainted with the program, the fastest way is to first watch the full video, and then download the free demo version and work with it yourself. If necessary, request a presentation from technical support or read the instructions.

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Accounting form of fuels and lubricants - Program screenshot

All companies that provide logistics services, or have vehicles in their assets, keep records of the use of fuels and lubricants (POL). The fuel and lubricants accounting form contains all the necessary data on the use of fuel consumption. Forms for issuing fuels and lubricants are recorded in a separate accounting book. Issuance is carried out on the basis of waybills, which serve as a source of information on the intended purpose and use of fuel. The registration form for the issuance of fuels and lubricants consists of three parts. The first part is an introduction, where such data as document number, company name, vehicle brand, name of fuel and lubricants, date of issue, data of the person responsible for issuance are displayed. In the next part of the form, the model and number of the vehicle, the number of the waybill, information about the driver with the personnel number, the amount of fuel and lubricants issued in liters are displayed. Well, the final stage of filling out the form with accounting data for fuels and lubricants is the collection of signatures and certification of the document with the seal of the enterprise. Forms for the issuance of fuels and lubricants may differ due to the fact that several types of fuel are used in the organization. The use of forms and a logbook for the issuance of fuels and lubricants generates a report on the movement of fuel, which is further used in accounting work. Accounting is carried out on the basis of forms, while it must be borne in mind that the conduct of accounting operations also varies. For transport companies, the cost of fuels and lubricants is material costs, for other companies they are included among other costs.

Like any accounting operations, while burdened with document flow, keeping records of fuels and lubricants is a laborious process. In the presence of a large number of vehicles, the preparation of forms for the issuance of fuels and lubricants and the maintenance of accounting activities is complicated by a large flow of information and routine. The issuance of forms can be carried out simultaneously for five to ten vehicles, which may also differ in appearance. Waste of time on the formation of documentation is the primary source of inefficiency of the enterprise. In relation to accounting, this threatens to create problems with credentials, the reliability of which will largely depend on the person. Under the influence of the human factor and large volumes of information processing, the risk of making mistakes is very high. At the same time, the mistakes made significantly affect the course of all accounting activities, and in the further formation of reporting. Errors in tax reporting entail the payment of a fine, which will bring unnecessary costs to the company, if not even losses. To optimize accounting and document management, many companies use automated systems. Such systems purposefully act on the activities of the organization, contributing to the increase in the efficiency, productivity and economic performance of the company.

The Universal Accounting System (USS) is an innovative automation program, the capabilities of which can easily optimize any workflow carried out in an organization. The use of the USS does not have any special distribution or specialization; the system is suitable for any organization. The uniqueness of the software lies in its ability to adapt to changes in the structure of the organization and work processes, as well as product development is carried out taking into account the necessary needs, wishes and tasks, the implementation of which the program must provide.

Together with the Universal Accounting System, you can easily optimize accounting by generating and filling out various forms in automatic mode, making calculations for fuel consumption, controlling the transportation process, tracking and monitoring the technical condition of vehicles, controlling the work of drivers, etc.

Automation with the Universal Accounting System is simple, easy and fast!

You can keep track of fuel on routes using the program for waybills from the USU company.

It is easy and simple to register drivers with the help of modern software, and thanks to the reporting system, you can identify both the most effective employees and reward them, as well as the least useful ones.

The program for recording waybills will allow you to collect information on costs on the routes of vehicles, receiving information on the spent fuel and other fuels and lubricants.

The program for filling out waybills allows you to automate the preparation of documentation in the company, thanks to the automatic loading of information from the database.

Make the accounting of waybills and fuel and lubricants easier with a modern program from the Universal Accounting System, which will allow you to organize the operation of transport and optimize costs.

The program for accounting waybills allows you to display up-to-date information on the consumption of fuels and lubricants and fuel by the company's transport.

The program for waybills is available for free on the USU website and is ideal for acquaintance, has a convenient design and many functions.

Who is the developer?

Akulov Nikolay

Expert and chief programmer who participated in the design and development of this software.

Date this page was reviewed:

This video is in Russian. We have not yet managed to make videos in other languages.

It is much easier to keep track of fuel consumption with the USU software package, thanks to full accounting for all routes and drivers.

Any logistics company needs to account for gasoline and fuels and lubricants using modern computer systems that will provide flexible reporting.

The program for accounting waybills is required in any transport organization, because with its help you can speed up the execution of reporting.

Accounting of waybills can be carried out quickly and without problems with modern USU software.

For registration and accounting of waybills in logistics, the fuel and lubricants program, which has a convenient reporting system, will help.

The program for fuel accounting will allow you to collect information on fuel and lubricants spent and analyze costs.

To account for fuels and lubricants and fuel in any organization, you will need a waybill program with advanced reporting and functionality.

Your company can greatly optimize the cost of fuels and lubricants and fuel by conducting electronic accounting of the movement of waybills using the USU program.

The program for accounting of fuels and lubricants will allow you to track the consumption of fuel and fuels and lubricants in a courier company, or a delivery service.

The program for the formation of waybills allows you to prepare reports within the framework of the general financial plan of the company, as well as track expenses along the routes at the moment.

The program for accounting of fuels and lubricants can be customized to the specific requirements of the organization, which will help to increase the accuracy of reports.

Multifunctional program with an accessible menu.

We currently have a demo version of this program only in Russian.

You can download the demo version for free. And work in the program for two weeks. Some information has already been included there for clarity.

Optimization of work with forms for the issuance of fuels and lubricants.

Control over the conduct of accounting operations.

Formation of the procedure for filling out forms for accounting for fuels and lubricants, control over execution.

Creation, formation, filling of forms in automatic mode.

Work with waybills in an automated way.

Company resource management.

Automated tables for calculating fuel costs.

Analysis of the costs of fuels and lubricants according to the information on the forms.

Development of methods to reduce fuel costs.

Conducting financial, analytical and auditing operations.

Automatic processing of documentation: contracts, forms, statements, magazines, etc.

Filling out the register of the movement of waybills.

Order an accounting form of fuels and lubricants

To buy the program, just call or write to us. Our specialists will agree with you on the appropriate software configuration, prepare a contract and an invoice for payment.

How to buy the program?

Installation and training are done via the Internet
Approximate time required: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Also you can order custom software development

If you have special software requirements, order custom development. Then you won’t have to adapt to the program, but the program will be adjusted to your business processes!

Accounting form of fuels and lubricants

The program has a built-in gazetteer that will help you optimize transportation routes.

Optimization of the management structure.

Import and export of data of any size.

Detailed display of recorded actions in the system.

Logistics operations management.

Built-in warehouse management system.

Vehicle monitoring, maintenance and repair.

Remote enterprise management option.

Quick search in the program.

The use of the USU guarantees the security of information storage.

Maintaining statistical data.

High level of service and service for the software product.