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Group of programs: Business automation

Fuel accounting log

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Fuel accounting log - Program screenshot

The fuel log is a log that records the operations of issuing fuel to drivers for the provision of transport services. Fuel includes gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and various oils, gas fraction as a motor fuel and other lubricants. Fuel is the main cost item in the operation of transport, therefore, control over fuel is, on the one hand, a normal accounting procedure, and on the other hand, a measure of consumption control in order to save inventories, to which the fuel belongs.

The main indicator in determining the amount of fuel consumed is vehicle mileage, recorded according to the speedometer, which is indicated in the waybill to determine the fuel consumption rate. Therefore, the data in the accounting log is supported by information from magazines for other purposes - for measuring fuel residues in car tanks, speedometer readings, while the amount of fuel in the tanks must match the information in accounting, this requires regular fuel measurements.

Samples of all journals related to fuel accounting are presented in the Universal Accounting System software for transport enterprises, and the journals themselves have an electronic and easy-to-fill format, which, among other things, speeds up manual data entry. The fuel logbook, a sample of which is also presented among other sample logs, includes information such as the details of the company issuing fuel and lubricants, the date of the warehouse operation, which, by default, is usually automatically set in the logbook itself, but can also be entered manually. the type and manufacturer of the product, the brand of the vehicle and its registration number, the number of the waybill, the driver's data and the personnel number of the employee, the amount of fuel dispensed and the signatures of both parties - the driver, the materially responsible person.

Judging by the presented sample magazines, they all have approximately the same format in terms of content and accounting method - the summation of the data that reflect the volumes issued. It should be noted that each brand of car has its own rate of consumption of fuels and lubricants, therefore, for each car brand, a calculation was made to rate the consumption. To perform the procedure, the software with a sample magazine forms a regulatory and methodological base for the transport industry, which indicates the consumption rates for each type of vehicle, accounting methods and calculation methods, taking into account the specificity of the routes performed, since there are special correction factors, they make adjustments to the standards depending on road and climatic conditions in which the transport is operated.

In general, consumption rates can be set by the enterprise itself, taking into account the technical documentation for each type of transport. In the software for the sample magazine, such a transport base is presented, where all cars are described in detail, taking into account their technical parameters, mileage, repairs, and the timing of technical inspection. When accounting for fuels and lubricants, the software with a sample journal of accounting automatically selects the required data on the transport unit and substitutes it into the formulas for the calculation, obtaining the planned costs. The software with a sample logbook generates a report on the actual costs and compares the received indicators with the planned ones, fixing the difference between them and comparing the deviation dynamics for the past periods.

Regarding the software for the sample magazine, it should be mentioned that it automatically performs all calculations, excluding the participation of company employees. This ensures the presence of a regulatory and methodological base in the software for the sample magazine, which was mentioned above, on its basis the calculation of work operations is carried out, now each of them has its own cost, which will be taken into account when calculating the cost of transport services, orders and the cost of each transportation , including normative and actual.

The software with the sample magazine calculates piecework wages for users, taking into account the amount of work that was confirmed in their work logs. If the transaction is not registered in the journal, it will not be submitted for payment. Such a condition of the software for the sample magazine forces the staff to actively work in electronic magazines, increasing the efficiency of the information required for making decisions when it is necessary to respond to the current abnormal working situation when fulfilling obligations.

Working in an electronic journal, a sample of which is available on the developer's website usu.kz in a demo version of the proposed automation program, optimizes the work of the accounting department, since all calculations are carried out in automatic mode, providing ready-made values and, thereby, freeing it from many accounting procedures. Moreover, at the end of the period, a report will be drawn up on the data of the fuel accounting log, on the basis of which the fuel and lubricants expenses for each vehicle for the period - planned and real, for the fleet as a whole and for each vehicle separately will be shown, from which it will be clear what needs to be paid attention in the next period.

To account for fuels and lubricants and fuel in any organization, you will need a waybill program with advanced reporting and functionality.

The program for recording waybills will allow you to collect information on costs on the routes of vehicles, receiving information on the spent fuel and other fuels and lubricants.

Who is the developer?

Akulov Nikolay

Expert and chief programmer who participated in the design and development of this software.

Date this page was reviewed:

This video is in Russian. We have not yet managed to make videos in other languages.

The program for filling out waybills allows you to automate the preparation of documentation in the company, thanks to the automatic loading of information from the database.

The program for fuel accounting will allow you to collect information on fuel and lubricants spent and analyze costs.

Make the accounting of waybills and fuel and lubricants easier with a modern program from the Universal Accounting System, which will allow you to organize the operation of transport and optimize costs.

You can keep track of fuel on routes using the program for waybills from the USU company.

It is much easier to keep track of fuel consumption with the USU software package, thanks to full accounting for all routes and drivers.

Accounting of waybills can be carried out quickly and without problems with modern USU software.

Your company can greatly optimize the cost of fuels and lubricants and fuel by conducting electronic accounting of the movement of waybills using the USU program.

The program for accounting waybills is required in any transport organization, because with its help you can speed up the execution of reporting.

The program for the formation of waybills allows you to prepare reports within the framework of the general financial plan of the company, as well as track expenses along the routes at the moment.

The program for accounting waybills allows you to display up-to-date information on the consumption of fuels and lubricants and fuel by the company's transport.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

When starting the program, you can select the language.

You can download the demo version for free. And work in the program for two weeks. Some information has already been included there for clarity.

Who is the translator?

Khoilo Roman

Chief programmer who took part in the translation of this software into different languages.

It is easy and simple to register drivers with the help of modern software, and thanks to the reporting system, you can identify both the most effective employees and reward them, as well as the least useful ones.

The program for accounting of fuels and lubricants can be customized to the specific requirements of the organization, which will help to increase the accuracy of reports.

For registration and accounting of waybills in logistics, the fuel and lubricants program, which has a convenient reporting system, will help.

Any logistics company needs to account for gasoline and fuels and lubricants using modern computer systems that will provide flexible reporting.

The program for accounting of fuels and lubricants will allow you to track the consumption of fuel and fuels and lubricants in a courier company, or a delivery service.

The program for waybills is available for free on the USU website and is ideal for acquaintance, has a convenient design and many functions.

The software provides for the separation of user rights, therefore it organizes an access system - assigns individual logins and passwords to users that protect these logins.

The access system takes into account the competence and level of authority of the user and forms him a separate work area with individual electronic journals.

Individual work logs are available only to their owner and management, which exercises control over user data, deadlines and quality of execution.

An audit function is provided to assist the management, which indicates new data and those that have been corrected and / or deleted in the user logs since the last check.

Order a fuel accounting log

To buy the program, just call or write to us. Our specialists will agree with you on the appropriate software configuration, prepare a contract and an invoice for payment.

How to buy the program?

Installation and training are done via the Internet
Approximate time required: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Also you can order custom software development

If you have special software requirements, order custom development. Then you won’t have to adapt to the program, but the program will be adjusted to your business processes!

Fuel accounting log

In addition to the audit function, the system has many others, freeing staff from various daily duties and thereby reducing labor costs, and therefore labor costs.

The available auto-complete function automatically compiles the entire documentation package that the transport company uses when carrying out activities for the period.

The package of documentation includes financial document flow with contractors, all types of waybills, waybills, an accompanying package for the carriage of goods, statistical reporting.

All documents comply with the rules for their preparation, the requirements for them and guarantee the accuracy of the selection of values and the selection of a form corresponding to the purpose.

Especially for this task, a wide range of templates has been prepared, on the forms of which you can automatically place requisites, the logo of the enterprise itself.

The software manages the warehouse, automated warehouse accounting is carried out in real time: incoming and outgoing goods are automatically displayed on the balance sheet.

The software registers speedometer readings, fuel consumption, working hours of staff, the amount of work performed, makes reports on the work of transport and the efficiency of employees.

To work with counterparties, a single database has been formed, where customers and suppliers are divided into categories, according to the classification chosen by the company itself, for convenient work.

Classification into categories allows you to organize interaction with target groups, thereby expanding the scale of communication with a single contact with the entire group at once.

The regularity of contacts leads to an increase in sales, so a single database of counterparties regularly monitors customers to identify those who need to be reminded of themselves.

The system does not require a subscription fee, it is ready to expand the functionality at any time - to connect new services and functions, additional payment is required according to the price list.